Monday, December 9, 2019
Dogs Essay Example For Students
Dogs Essay A breed descended from the great Molloser that accompanied Hannibal across the Alps when he invaded Rome. Swissys were used by Swiss farmers to haul carts to market and as drivers to drive their cattle. Many Swissys still retain these working abilities today. The breed was used as late as World War II as pack dogs by the Swiss ArmyThe breed was almost extinct around the turn of the century and numbers have been slowly increasing. Swissys are in great demand as pets because of their stable temperaments. He told me it was such a beautiful night he didnt want to miss watching thestars. That really freaked out his owner. I just told him it takes time to trainyou humans on our ways.Sometimes I think you will never learn. You sign up mykids for a two or three month training course each year with Mr. Maxey, then mykids are given the unfortunate task of trying to train you for months after theyget home. Once in a while we have some excitement over here at the RetrieverBarn when Mr. Maxey introduces me to one of his special gals. Not only do I havea great time, but a few months from then you humans have the opportunity to buymy puppies. You need to encourage Mr. Maxey to increase these visits. Overall Ienjoy being in the field with my children as Mr. Maxey and I teach them thefundamentals of retrieving. My best days are when Mr. Maxey and I get out byourselves, away from the pack and get a little hunting in together. That Mr. Maxey is quite a guy. I always look forward to being outside with my master bymy side and being able to make another retrieve. At the end of the day I justwant to lay down and take a good snooze and dream of another day of hunting. 1995 Duck and Goose Season Comes to a Close This years duck and goose seasonhas provided plenty of action for retrievers and their owners. The 1995 duck andgoose hunting season has come to a close. Those hunters taking advantage of thelate season found Decembers snow and cold temperatures a challenge. The huntingproved to be inconsistent for many who went afield. Some days only the morninghours produced. On other days, only the afternoons were the time flocks wereactive. The cold temperatures and snow locked in most areas leaving little openwater for this years waterfowl. Near record snowfalls blanketed many areas innorthern Ohio. The birds took to the corn fields where the grain left from theFall harvest would provide a much needed food supply. This left hunters and dogswith few options. Laying in cornfields and area ditches proved to be achallenge. Some hunters were fortunate to have blinds in fields, while otherswould be forced to face the elements. On top of the weather condition s, manybirds were decoy shy. To overcome this, the decoy patterns had to be carefullyset. Taking special care in setting sentry decoy locations became a must. Nothing could be taken for granted. The number of decoys needed to attract andmaintain the interest of passing flocks was high. The addition of black flagswas added by some hunters to add motion to their spread. In the northernsections of Ohio, along the Lake Erie shoreline, high winds had moved ice inareas and left open water for birds to congregate. Rivers and lakes in inlandareas were frozen solid. Some hunters moved boats and blinds out onto the ice inhopes of attracting more birds. In some cases this proved to achieve the desiredresult. However, as temperatures remained in the 20s, the hunt proved to be acold one for many hunters while their retrievers welcomed the cold weather. Withthe duck and goose populations up in 1995, both hunters and retrieversexperienced a challenging waterfowl season. If things go well, 1996 should proveto be even better. Mr. Retriever Insights from Jim Maxey The Retriever Barn isnow entering a new year. 1995 was an exciting year for all of us, but we lookforward to the year ahead. I want to thank each one of you for being a part ofour family. It has been a pleasure to watch our dogs and owners grow. For thenew year, we will continue to provide you with dog training services you candepend on. Its not too early to begin to think about your dogs training needsfor the 1996 season. For younger dogs (ages one to two years old) we offertraining in fundamental obedience skills and in the basics of field andwaterfowl hunting. This course of study usually runs three months. If you areplanning on hunting with your dog this coming Fall, we offer refresher coursesto sharpen your dogs skills just before hunting season. This course of studyusually lasts a month and helps to assure you that your dog is ready to go. Weare now booking training for dogs for 1996. Be sure to reserve your dogstraining early. Unfortunately we are often unable to take all the dogs that needtraining, so reserve your dogs training time today. If you need a dog that isal ready trained and ready to hunt, we do offer a limited number of started dogs. Check with us on their availability. We expect to have a limited number ofpuppies available in 1996. You might say we already have a good number onbackorder. If you would like to reserve a puppy let us know early. With anincreasing number of dogs with poor hunting traits, Retriever Barn puppies arebeing sought after by more hunters because of their excellent huntingcharacteristics. If you have a dog you are thinking of breeding, let us know. Wewill be glad to work with you to obtain good hunting bloodlines. We do offerstud services. Be sure to check your vaccination records for your dog. Mark your1996 calendar with the dates and vaccinations your dog will need. Be sure tocontact your veterinarian to schedule the appropriate vaccinations. The healthof your dog is important. With the close of 1995 and the promise of a new year,we at the Retriever Barn look forward to working with you and your dog in 1996. Frankenstein Essay ThesisThis left hunters and dogs with few options. Laying in cornfields and areaditches proved to be a challenge. Some hunters were fortunate to have blinds infields, while others would be forced to face the elements. On top of the weatherconditions, many birds were decoy shy. To overcome this, the decoy patterns hadto be carefully set. Taking special care in setting sentry decoy locationsbecame a must. Nothing could be taken for granted. The number of decoys neededto attract and maintain the interest of passing flocks was high. The addition ofblack flags was added by some hunters to add motion to their spread. In thenorthern sections of Ohio, along the Lake Erie shoreline, high winds had movedice in areas and left open water for birds to congregate. Rivers and lakes ininland areas were frozen solid. Some hunters moved boats and blinds out onto theice in hopes of attracting more birds. In some cases this proved to achieve thedesired result. However, as temperatur es remained in the 20s, the hunt proved tobe a cold one for many hunters while their retrievers welcomed the cold weather. With the duck and goose populations up in 1995, both hunters and retrieversexperienced a challenging waterfowl season. If things go well, 1996 should proveto be even better. Mr. Retriever Insights from Jim Maxey The Retriever Barn isnow entering a new year. 1995 was an exciting year for all of us, but we lookforward to the year ahead. I want to thank each one of you for being a part ofour family. It has been a pleasure to watch our dogs and owners grow. For thenew year, we will continue to provide you with dog training services you candepend on. Its not too early to begin to think about your dogs training needsfor the 1996 season. For younger dogs (ages one to two years old) we offertraining in fundamental obedience skills and in the basics of field andwaterfowl hunting. This course of study usually runs three months. If you areplanning on hunting with your dog this coming Fall, we offer refresher coursesto sharpen your dogs skills just before hunting season. This course of studyusua lly lasts a month and helps to assure you that your dog is ready to go. Weare now booking training for dogs for 1996. Be sure to reserve your dogstraining early. Unfortunately we are often unable to take all the dogs that needtraining, so reserve your dogs training time today. If you need a dog that isalready trained and ready to hunt, we do offer a limited number of started dogs. Check with us on their availability. We expect to have a limited number ofpuppies available in 1996. You might say we already have a good number onbackorder. If you would like to reserve a puppy let us know early. With anincreasing number of dogs with poor hunting traits, Retriever Barn puppies arebeing sought after by more hunters because of their excellent huntingcharacteristics. If you have a dog you are thinking of breeding, let us know. Wewill be glad to work with you to obtain good hunting bloodlines. We do offerstud services. Be sure to check your vaccination records for your dog. Mark your1996 calendar with the dates and vaccinations your dog will need. Be sure tocontact your veterinarian to schedule the appropriate vaccinations. The healthof your dog is important. With the close of 1995 and the promise of a new year,we at the Retriever Barn look forward to working with you and your dog in 1996. Always Think of Your Dogs Safety When Hunting When youre in the field itseasy to get caught up in hunting and forget the safety of your dog. We all knowthe muzzel of the gun should never be pointed towards man nor beast. That is theobvious. But the not so obvious is what could lead to serious injury or evenloss of your hunting partner, your dog. Always be aware of your huntingsurroundings. Are there roads near by? Are there railroad tracks in the area? Inthe field you are hunting, are there deep holes that become invisible when snowcovered? In the heat of the hunt both you and your dog will be concentrating onone thing, getting the bird. The adrenaline will be pumping. At that time itwill be too late to be concerned about the things you should have been concernedwith before the hunt began. This is when accidents can occur to your dog. Cominghome with a dead dog rather than harvested game will more than ruin your day. Here are some tips to help keep your dog safe. Survey the area you plan to huntbefore you hunt the area. If you can, examine the area before it becomes snowcovered. Note the location of dangers such as deep holes, the location ofditches, near by roads, railroad tracks, old fence and any other dangerousobjects. After you have selected your hunting area, use caution while in thefield. If you shoot a bird and it falls into a dangerous area, your dog willnaturally want to retrieve it. In this case, your dog must be restrained with aleash or a shock collar. Wounded birds can cause great harm to your dog. Thebite of a Canadian goose might not only injure your dog, but in the case of ayounder dog, a goose bite might cause the dog to be bird shy for the rest of hislife. Dont take any chances. Be sure the bird is dead. Going to and returningfrom your hunt is often the most dangerous time for your dog. Keep your dog on aleash until you get well into your hunting area. More dogs are killed near theroad while hunters are coming and going from the hunt than any other time. Always keep your dog leashed. Training Tips The tendancy to over command yourdog is a trap all of us fall into from time to time. All too often we startrepeating the verbal commands, hand signals and whistle blows. Not only can thisvisual and verbal barrage confuse your dog, but, in a hunting situation, the dogwill be more concerned with figuring out what you are saying than finding thebirds. This only adds further frustration to you and the dog. When you are inthe field keep things simple. Remember, you and your dog are in the field tohunt. You are not there to conduct an obedience school. Give clear commands. Useyour whistle to direct the dog. Be sure to praise your dog for his performance. Take your time and enjoy being outdoors with your dog. Use this time to buildhunting memories for a lifetime.
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